Confirm patientNOW License

Note: This is a technical help page that is not visible to the end user.

You will need to find out what the client purchased and ensure that AutoTask is correct.

Send an email to Accounting and Jerry

Send to and

Request the following:

  • Is the license a full practice or a spa?
  • If a spa, did they purchase ePrescription or Insurance Billing separately?
  • How many doctors were purchased?
  • Did they purchase EPCS or is it included with their Full Practice License?
  • If purchased, how many prescribers?
  • Did they purchase Electronic Claims Submission (Optum) or is it included with their Full Practice License?

For additional information, check out License Definition.

Confirm Information in AutoTask

Pull Up Installed Products List

Select Installed Products from menu in upper left-hand corner.

You may open each section by clicking on the + sign to the left of the section name.

The Sample practice has a Full Practice Subscription for 1 doctor.

Installed Products

Based on the example above, you should see the following in AutoTask

  • Main System License
    • Medical Records Suite 6.0
    • The # of Docs should show under the Serial #
  • License Add-Ons
    • ePrescription with Controlled Substance; the # of Prescribers should show under the Serial #
    • Insurance Billing (Print Only) should show if they have the Insurance module, but are not doing electronic claims submission.
    • Insurance Billing (Ingenix) with Verification should show if they have Electronic Claims through Optum; the # of Doctors should show under the Serial #.

Update any of the installed products by right-clicking one time to open the Edit Installed Product dialog.